Company Related Co-Operation
Comix-Blade team members may in some ways or another seem to participate in one another's material. Either it be writing original content and or doing crossover material.

Eve Of Genesis
Members: James Evans and Erizabeth Rodriguez
Genre: Turn Based RPG
Developed by: Comix-Blade HARDWARE
The idea was originally pitched to make 'Eve of Genesis' the ending point in the Comix-Blade run of "The Genesis Age". James accepted the idea and they both felt that making a game crossover with both their confirmed universe's would be appropriate given the purpose of the crossover.
Associate or Partner Co-Operation
We sometimes host events and or help with a Partners work. Below is a list of programs we were available in with aid.

Radiant Combatant
Position: Host
Genre: Fighter/Tactical RPG
Radiant Combatant is a Indie Crossover game that is being developed by Comix-Blade. Which involves multiple other characters from different creators. To join is easy, if you'd like to join RC. There is a submission form you must submit. All who want to join us for this adventure can!
There is room for people to join the Indie Crossover event! Although the development of the game has taken some time. With information being released every often.

Creation Hunters
Members: James Evans & Erizabeth Rodriguez
Genre: Action Adventure, Drama
The idea was developed during Writers Summer 2016 but wouldn't properly be put into script format until the fall of 2017. The story went over several re-writes eventually leading to the final story. Where the biggest conflict and debate of a godlike complexity is justified by the human needs in our world against the needs of the creative opposite. Finally released in Spring 2019 as the longest and mostly concerned failure took form.